Transformers Devastation Review

Transformers Devastation Review

A lot of games I played as a kid came from video rental stores. I remember every other week I had the opportunity to pick one videogame to rent for a couple of days, usually between Friday and Sunday. A lot of the games I picked were obscure mediocre gems. At the time, I didn’t go to any gaming website for reviews or information. I simply picked a game and hoped for the best. The end result was always the same, however, no matter what I was just happy playing a new game. Transformers: Devastation strikes my nostalgia chord. It takes me back to a time where I wasn’t so cynical about what I was playing and just had fun. Continue reading “Transformers Devastation Review”

A Love Letter To The Future and Current Generation of Gaming.

If you were to ask me what I think about this generation of gaming, I would say it’s a great time to be a gamer. We have advanced technology that I only dreamed about as a kid available to us in the market.

If I were to time travel back when I was a five-year-old boy, back when I had no worries and a Gameboy, I would tell little ol’ me, “Hey, that Pokémon game you’re playing. Yeah, they will make a 3D version on a Gameboy that allows the images on the screen to pop-out at you. They will add a backlight to the Gameboy, so you can play at night. Just don’t let mom catch you staying up on a school night.

hqdefault“Also, if you think your N64 graphics looks good… pfft… wait till you see the future generation of consoles and the generation after that. Video games that look and feel so real you’ll ask yourself, ‘can it get any better than this?’ and the answer will always be yes.

“There will be so many games you will be overwhelmed by the choices. Right now, you’re in your Nintendo bubble, but you’ll outgrown it and play games that you never knew existed. Continue reading “A Love Letter To The Future and Current Generation of Gaming.”

Is E3 Still Relevant?

E3 is upon us! For those who don’t know, E3 or Electronic Entrainment Expo is an annual trade show where large videogame publishers gather to showcase their upcoming hardware and software.

Back in the heyday of gaming magazines, it was a great way for large videogame publishers to spread the news to the public. They would have the press come in, show them some games, and at the end of the day write about it for their magazine. But with the rise of the Internet age, gaming magazines are few and videogame publishers have new ways to communicate with the public through social media.

Which begs me to ask the question, is E3 necessary and relevant in this Internet age? Continue reading “Is E3 Still Relevant?”

A Mini-Survival Guide to JRPGs


So I recently convinced some friends of mine to try a Japanese role-playing games (JRPG). Let me tell you, it was no easy task. It took a comparison of games they played in the past, and a pleasing price range to get them to consent. But even after the hassle they still treaded carefully and they have every right to do so. For those who don’t know what a JRPG is – it is a role-playing game developed in Japan (DUH!) – But what really makes a JRPG a JRPG is the formula it follows. All JRPGs follow a turn-base type formula; a system in which the player and enemy take turns attacking each other, or a Active Time Battle technique; a system similar to the turn base system but enemies can attack despite it being your turn (dicks). JRPGs are a foreign genre that has a distinct language of its own, like most games do. Except JRPGs are not as hospitable as other games. It can be down right intimidating. A poor soul may hear about Final Fantasy being a good RPG and expect it to play like The Elder Scroll Series. So in the wake of their adventure I thought I would write a mini-survival guide to JRPGs, covering things you should expect and things you should do. Continue reading “A Mini-Survival Guide to JRPGs”